Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose
Article Info
Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose شماره 72

volume Number : 15
number In Volume : 2
issue Number : 72

Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose
volume Number 15، number In Volume 2، ، issue Number 72

Investigating the speed of narration in Haft Peykar

Alireza Peyman , Seyyed Morteza Mirhashemi (Author in Charge), Hossein Bayat


BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: The weekly story system is the fourth work of Hakim Nezami Ganjavi, a talented poet of the sixth century AH. The main subject of this work is the life story of Bahram Gore, from his birth to his disappearance, along with the various stories that are included in it, and among these stories are seven legends that are told in the language of the seven princesses. In this research, with the aim of showing military skills in storytelling, the issue of "narrative speed" in this collection of poetic stories has been investigated.

METHODOLOGY: This research has been done in a descriptive-analytical manner.

FINDINGS: The study of the speed of narration is to show how long the events and actions of the story occur in a literary work and how much of the story is assigned to them according to each time period.

CONCLUSION: The speed of narration is moderate in the whole system and the components of increasing and decreasing the speed of narration are used in a balanced way. Although a number of slowing factors are more in some stories and less in others, due to the artistic aspects and poetic language of this lyrical system, the artistic pleasure of reducing and increasing the speed of narration has helped to balance and moderate the story.

Nezami , Haft Peykar , Narrative Speed , Genet Theory

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